
Name it!

An easy and challenging activity for beginners.

No material is needed.
All you need is to prepare the list of your questions.
Prepare questions that have 6 or more answers.
Make groups ( preferably bylines or vertical lines).
Let all students stand up. Say your question.
The first line, which raised their hand, will have the chance to answer.
All students on the line should answer the question. (Never allow the same answer.)
If they give the correct answers, they all sit down.
Keep on asking until all of them sit down or until the allotted time.
I usually ask easy questions in the beginning until they get the gist of the activity.
e.g., questions
What are the days of the week?
Who are the members of the family?
What are the months of the year?
Name of subjects/colors/animals/jobs/school events/school teams/weather/countries etc.

Submitted by Caress March 15, 2021 Estimated time: 10 minutes or less

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