
Conjugation Charades

Play charades while Conjugating

This is a basic game of charades; the twist is that the students must conjugate correctly to get a point.

I have some action cards and a PowerPoint with the words. You do not have to use the power point if your students are good at spelling, or they do not need a hint.

First introduce how you would like the students to build their sentences.

One student from each group will come up and you will show them one of the action cards. For example: "jump". Those students go back to their group and act it out. The group writes the answer in full sentence. For example: "He is running". Give them a set time to answer. Then the groups show their answers and read out loud. Give one point for correct answers.

I give two points for more complex sentences. For example: "brush my hair" - answer is: "He brushes his hair".

Submitted by DelCas June 16, 2021 Estimated time: 20-30min
  1. joyceisachoice December 6, 2022

    I'm using this in class tomorrow! Thanks for making it :)

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