
Zoltar the Fortune Teller

This is a simple and mildly amusing way to introduce 'which' questions for a first grade class. It can be edited for a second grade classes studying 'Which do you like better'

Pretty much runs the same way I just changed them to wide screen and spread the questions out onto more than one slide. This should make it easier for anybody using it to edit it if they want.

Set up the TV and computer or tablet then at the beginning of the activity tell them along with the JTE that we'll be practicing 'Which' questions today.

One the first two slides there are examples of these questions.

Then tell them we'll do this with a fortunte telling activity. The next slide has examples of fortune telling. After showing them ask the students what fortune telling means in Japanese. They should get it.

Next tell them todays fortune telling uses magic coins, the next screen shows the coins and the one after that shows the value of the coins. 3 gold are great and so on.

Next tell them that today's fortune teller is Zoltar and click on the screen to introduce zoltar. At this point hand out the worksheets.

Click and zoltar will laugh and ask his first question. The students fill in the blanks on their worksheet and write in their answers. They can then ask two nearby students the same question and record their answers. After that click again and zoltar will reveal either a gold or silver coin depending on the student's answer. Continue through the next two questions repeating the process.

Once done click and get to the screen that says results. Tell them they will learn their future home. If the students got three gold coins ask them to raise their hands. Click again to show them the picture. Repeat for the remaining results.

After completing this activity I usually do some sort of class survey activity where they interview each other about various topics. I've tacked on the class survey I usually use. I do it in short rounds with the students asking five people, writing their conclusion and coming to a teacher. The teacher usually asks them a question and then stamps their sheet. Set a time limit then move onto the next round. In most lessons I do about 3 or 4 rounds.

Small files
  • 1-1 Zoltar Worksheet with Basic Interview 'Which Questions'.docx (76.3 KB)
  • 1-2 Zoltar Worksheet with Class Survey 'Which Questions'.docx (178 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • 1-0 Zoltar the Fortune Teller 'Which Questions'.pptx (2.76 MB)
  • 14
    Submitted by UonumaRobert December 28, 2018 Estimated time: 15 minutes or so for Zoltar and the rest of the class time can be used for the class survey
    1. mikanmudcake March 8, 2021

      Very cool activity! Thanks!

    2. UonumaRobert March 8, 2021

      Thanks Mikanmudcake. Of the powerpoints I've made this one is my favorite.

    3. rflowers December 1, 2021

      Very nice to introduce "which" ! Kids enjoyed it

    4. OdafromTaijima November 16, 2022

      Awesome activity! I used 1-0 Zoltar the Fortune Teller 'Which Questions' when you first posted it. My kids had loved it so much that I made another version to tell them their future car.
      This year I shared the activity with a fellow ALT and their kids also loved it! But their teacher brought up a good point about the final bad luck house(three silver coins), and that is the fact that some students live in places similar to that(worn down houses that are falling apart).

    5. OdafromTaijima November 16, 2022

      It might be more a problem out in the countryside where I am. I do not want my students to feel as though I am calling their home bad luck so I changed it to a picture of a kids outdoor playhouse. That way it was bad luck silly and not bad luck scary/falling apart. The kids still found it great.

    6. UonumaRobert November 16, 2022

      That's a good point. I live in the sticks too and a lot of houses that are beautiful on the inside look kind of rundown outside. Maybe I'll try to find an image of a more clearly haunted house.

    7. jojo27 November 1, 2023

      I tried this activity and it was fun! But, I had to change the houses to food items because the JTE did not think it was appropriate for the students. So, I changed it to cars but I guess it was still, I did food items. Seemed to go over well! Thanks!

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