
What's This?

Worksheet for vocabulary, spelling, and speaking. Grammar Points: What's this?, It's a/an ~

  • Used with 3rd graders
  • Students would have different worksheets
  • They will go around and ask "What's this?" to their classmates while pointing at the pictures on the left.
  • Classmates would answer by saying "It's a/an ~." while referring to the pictures on the right.
  • They will copy the spelling of the word from their classmates' worksheet.
Small files
  • KGRedHands.ttf (44 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • What's This worksheet.pptx (1.72 MB)
  • 3
    Submitted by ishtela January 27, 2022 Estimated time: 10-15 minutes
    1. OdafromTaijima February 1, 2022

      Just for some clarification how do they know which one to ask?

    2. ishtela February 2, 2022

      The could greet each other first and then check if anything from their worksheet's left side matches the anything from the other person's right. Then, they could start asking, "What's this?"

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