
LGBT+ Flag meaning and definitions

Good for English board on the LGBT+ community with Japanese translations.

The definitions use are taken and adapted from:

These are just a basic definitions that can be put on your English board.
Feel free to edit and use as you like.

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Submitted by Ishtar March 16, 2022 Estimated time:
  1. OdafromTaijima March 17, 2022

    It looks very diverse personally, I was hoping for more simple English. At the moment it looks like a nurse's board and not an English board.

  2. Beestonian March 18, 2022

    Some of my students are into Vexillology, they'll love this!

  3. Ishtar March 18, 2022

    To add to this, on my English board I had celebrity quizzes and short news articles about this history of pride etc. alongside this.
    The definitions here are for the student's reference and also to make it more accessible.

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