
How do you~?

Super simple worksheet to get students to practice questions.

You are now a baby and don't know how to do anything. You need help and must ask how to do everything.

After learning the question "How do you come to school", teach the students that you canuse this structure to ask how to do anything. You eat apples. Do you eat apples? How do you eat an apple? . I would also explain that going to a foreign country, you can feel like a baby and not know how to do the simplest things. As first year students they may not have enough English skill to be able to understand the answer, but they can certainly ask the questions.

Have the students make as many questions as they can in ten minutes, or however much time you have. If you want to make the activity longer, after they finish have them compare to their neighbors questions. have volunteers read their questions to the class and see how many different questions everyone could ask.

This activity is for New Horizon unit 2 part 3 and I have the suggestion at the bottom of the worksheet to use page 154 which has a list of dffernt activities they can ask about.

Small files
  • How do you_.pdf (20.3 KB)
  • 1
    Submitted by MerryAnimorphs June 22, 2022 Estimated time: 10 minutes but it is flexible

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