
Easter Egg Shapes

Practice or review shapes through easter eggs!

This is an activity mainly geared towards 1st or 2nd graders in elementary school. It's good to do as review of shapes from the previous year or just as a final activity at the end of a until on shapes. I have included several basic designs for easters eggs: polka dots (circles), hearts, stars, lines, zig-zags, and waves. There are two designs per page and can either be cut in half or printed as is. You could also potentially design eggs to fit other lessons such as animals, colors, numbers, etc.

There are two components to this activity, but if you don't have time for the first part, you can omit it.

Part one: After reviewing shapes, we do shopping time, or "Kaimono time".

The demonstration:
We begin with a demo between the ALT and the Japanese teacher of how shopping should go.
Usually, the Japanese teacher pretend transforms into a first or second grader and the ALT becomes the shopkeeper. If you have some shopkeeper clothing, like a hat, apron, or name badge, it'll help the performance seem more realistic.
Next, we start with a greeting but before that we try to get students to think about what greeting the Japanese teacher should say.

Of course, "Hello" is the standard with a small wave. The ALT responds and asks what egg the Japanese teacher likes while displaying each egg design.
the Japanese teacher will say "[shape], please!" and then hesitate for a moment, looking to students for what to say next. This is usually "Thank you!" and "goodbye!".
After the demo, we repeat the roleplay again but ask students to join in with the Japanese teacher in saying the dialogue together.

Shopping time:
Have the room split in half so each row of students sitting can stand up in a line and move to the front to shop for their shapes. The ALT and Japanese teacher will be shop clerks for the left or right side of the room at the front.
If a student can't remember some of the dialogue or a shape name, be sure to guide them through it and have them try to say it in English.

Part two: Cutting and coloring time

The students cut out their egg to the best of their ability and then color it as they like.
Coloring in Japanese is "nuri-e".
If students finish quickly and there's 10-15 minutes left, you can have students use their tablets to take pictures of their creations and send them to your tablet. We use the ロイロノート App for this. Then we choose ones at random to display on the smartboard and ask students what shape and color the egg is. If you don't have access to tablets, you can simply put the papers on the blackboard.

Materials needed: scissors, coupy crayons or colored pencils, a pencil to write their name.
I also bring spare colored pencils or crayons in case a student forgets to bring theirs that day.

Submitted by Ehlana July 12, 2022 Estimated time: 20-40 minutes
  1. Furachan March 2, 2023

    Cool idea! Nice to mix shopping, greetings and shapes. And colours! It is great they can use their tablets so well.

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