
Welcome to Kirby Cafe!

Practice ordering food and asking about menu prices, featuring Kirby Cafe!

This is my 5th grade Kirby-themed activity for New Horizons E5 Unit 6 "What would you like?". The menu items are all food and drinks that are or were on the menu at the actual Kirby cafes around the country. The prices are all accurate as well, so students can practice saying bigger numbers in English. It's all way more expensive compared to the textbook examples! lol

This activity is split into three parts: 1) ordering food, 2) asking about the price, and 3) saying the total price of an order with more than one food item. I also added some buttons in slide 2 to skip ahead to the different sections.

I've done this activity over three different class periods in one class as a warm-up after they first learned the key phrase of each section, and all at once as a unit review for most of the class period at another one.

I've also prepared a printable version of the cafe menu so that the kids can reference it for the activity. Of course, you can also send the pdf file to the JTE/HRT and ask them to send it to the students' tablets so you can stay paperless. :) Enjoy!

Small files
  • Welcome to Kirby Cafe Menu.pdf (320 KB)
  • Welcome to Kirby Cafe Menu printable - white bg.pdf (320 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Welcome to Kirby Cafe! - updated.pptx (18.8 MB)
  • Welcome to Kirby Cafe Menu ppt.pptx (2.09 MB)
  • 209
    Submitted by larimarly November 9, 2022 Estimated time: 5~10 minutes per "section"

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