
Super Mario Typhoon

Students review what was studied in the year with a fun, 48 question quiz based on Mario.

Archived from Englipedia.
Originally submitted by Alexander Grant / Henry Parson on Mar 21, 2013.


  • SuperMarioTyphoon Power Point attachment (GeneralGame_SuperMarioTyphoon.ppt)
  • SuperMarioTyphoon Version adapted for 1st graders. By Henry Parson (GeneralGame_SuperMarioTyphoon_Parson.ppt)
  • Computer (Powerpoint 2003 compatable), Speakers, Projector or TV


  • Show students the second slide. If students get an answer correct, they can get 1-5 points (coins), a green shell (one team goes to zero points), a red shell (all other teams go to zero points), or Bowser (answering team's point are cut in half).
  • Students move into lunch groups.
  • JTE picks students' order (around the class or random are fine). Student picks the box. That group tries to answer in 30 seconds (the blue timer in the top right). If the group can't answer the question, allow other groups to answer.
  • If all groups couldn't answer drill the answer with the class.
  • Click on Mario and show the points, shell, or Bowser. Write the points on the board.
  • Click the house box and go back to the main screen. Repeat until the all boxes are done.


  • Make the questions harder than you would expect the students to be able to do. You will be rather surpised at how much they have learned.
  • This lesson can also be done in elementary school with more images. Feel free to add kanji or more complicated English to the top box based on the students level.


  • The slides are all hyperlinked. If you want to change the points of one slide, right click on the picture of mario and change the linked slide. The linked slides are as follows:

Slide 52= 1 point
slide 53= 2 points
slide 54= 3 points
slide 55= 4 points
slide 56= 5 points
slide 57= green shell
slide 58= red shell
slide 59= bowser

  • Also, include some review question from elementary school, realistic tasks (英語で注文してください。 Order in English, 英語で自己紹介してください。 Do a self-introduction in English, etc.), or questions about foreign languages that they might know (中国語で「Hello」と言ってください。 Say "Hello" in Chinese).


  • Using Mario instead of a "typhoon" theme lowers the chance of offending students and increases their participation. Students especially like the sounds between the levels.
Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • GeneralGame_SuperMarioTyphoon.ppt (2.03 MB)
  • GeneralGame_SuperMarioTyphoon_Parson.ppt (2.94 MB)
    1. janeenmp June 28, 2023

      Thank you so much!!! I was looking for this in a non-Christmas version to use for before 夏休み!

    2. IbarakiOracle March 7, 2024

      I cannot stress enough how much fun my kids had with this, from grades 3-6. Massive hit and a real lifesaver when I was running out of ideas in the final weeks of the year. Much appreciated.

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