
Agree and Disagree - New Crown 2: Talk 6

This PowerPoint covers the textbook lesson for New Crown 2: Talk 6 and provides speaking activity printouts with which students practice agreeing and disagreeing with various opinions.

  1. The PowerPoint begins with a small-talk review of Talk 5 and then introduces the goals of Talk 6, which are to give an opinion and disagree. The next slide introduces the word "might" from the textbook.

  2. Co-teachers act out the dialogue, and students guess what is happening. During this section we allow the students to use Japanese to try to translate the textbook dialogue and gauge understanding.

  3. Students practice reading the textbook dialogue together and remembering the key phrases.

  4. Practice the key expressions together.

  5. Next explain that every student will get a sentence with an opinion on it -
    Ex: "Rice is better than bread", "Shogi is the best of all games". When they are "A", they will pretend that this is their opinion, they will ask what "B" thinks, and "B" will agree/disagree and give a reason, and "A" will react.

First, the ALT and JTE should do two examples of the dialogue below:

You will need to cut and laminate these ahead of time from the file below to reuse for various classes. Some of the opinions are purposely a little "out there" to encourage students to disagree, since that is the goal of the textbook lesson.
A: "I have an idea."/ "I think~" rice is better than bread. What do you think?"
B: "I agree because ~" / "That's not a bad idea, but ~" / "You have a good point, but ~" "That's a good idea, but ~"
A: "I'll think about it." / "You're right." / "Thank you for your opinion."
Partner B will write down Partner A's name, their opinion, and if they agree or disagree with the opinion. Then, students will swap who is "A" and who is "B".
6. Students should swap partners by every other row of students moving up a seat and the front student moving to the back. Repeat as often as time allows.
7. Last, on the back of the student print out is a writing activity where students read an opinion and respond: "Some people think students don't need to learn English. What do you think?"

Step 7 could be a lesson unto itself if you have time. Reading their answers was very interesting!

Small files
  • 二年生Talk 6 Worksheet and Opinion Printouts~.pptx (594 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • 二年生- Talk 6 Lesson - That's not a bad idea, but.pptx (4.67 MB)
  • 10
    Submitted by janeenmp March 27, 2023 Estimated time: 50 minutes / one class period
    1. Samu T May 27, 2024

      tooo wordy for my JHS students but a great idea nonetheless. Thx for your hard work

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