
Kaiten Sushi

Students pass around pictures of sushi with music playing. Whoever is holding sushi when the music stops has to write a sentence.

Archived from Englipedia.
Originally submitted by Anonymous on Jan 24, 2011.


  • KaitenSushi attachments: Worksheet / Song


  • All of the students form a large circle and start passing around the sushi cards when the music starts. When the music is stopped, the students holding the cards must come to the blackboard and write a sentence using a word with the first letter of the sushi name. For example, "kanpachi" starts with a "k" so a word like "key" is acceptable.
  • This activity can used for various grammar points as well. For example, if the grammar point was "How many...?" They have to make a sentence using that point.


  • Small groups like lunch groups work great for classes with little space to move the desks around.


  • I used the song, スシ食いねェ!by シブがき隊, it's from 1986! (≧∇≦)
  • Make an audio CD with the song you choose. A computer's volume is not enough.


  • The classroom can become noisy. Don't let the students throw the cards as they should be laminated and tell them to hand them gently to prevent paper cuts.
Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • GeneralGame_KaitenSushi.pdf (2.87 MB)
  • 1
    Submitted by Englipedia Archive May 20, 2019 Estimated time: 15-30 min
    1. Jake the Admin May 20, 2019

      We couldn't attach the mp3 that comes with the activity, but I was able to find a karaoke version of the song on Spotify if you have a method of playing it in class (maybe a Bluetooth speaker or something).

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