
Cutting Classes

Students A and B each have half of a school map. They play Janken in a race to finish their map.

Archived from Englipedia.
Originally submitted by Raymond Corrigan on Sep 28, 2010.


  • School room flashcards (for demonstration only)
  • CuttingClasses worksheets: Standard or Variation. There are two pages for each of the worksheets -- A & B


1) Draw two school maps on the board. They should be similar (but not identical) to the worksheet (use flashcards for rooms). Using these maps demonstrate the game with the teacher (see step 6).
2) Demonstrate the game's rules. Tell them if they break these rules their partner gets a free turn.
3) Rules:

  • Do not show show your worksheet or look at your partner's worksheet.
  • Do not use your hands to point your partner to the room.
  • Do not use Japanese to give directions.

4) Hand out A & B worksheets to alternating rows.
5) Students cut out the 6 rooms at the bottom of their map then pair up with a student in the next row (with the opposite worksheet).
6) Janken time. The loser gives the winner directions to a room of the winner's choice. For example, if Student A wins Janken:

  • Student A: "Where is the library?"
  • Student B: "Go straight. Turn right. Go straight. Turn left. Go straight. Stop. Turn right. Here."

7) Student A pastes their library card into the area B showed them.
8) Repeat from step 5. The first student to finish the map is the winner. They help the loser to finish.


  • Co-operative variation: For a less competitive game use the variation worksheet and have students make an original map together. The janken winner decides on a location and gives directions to the janken loser who pastes the room in place.


  • As it requires individual speaking and listening this game is best used at the end of a class (after some repetition and listening/group speaking games). Before starting make sure students know:
  • All of the school rooms being used (Classroom, Music room, Art Room, Library, Gym, Science Room, Principal's Office, Playground, Pool, Computer Room, Toilet, Nurse's Office).
  • Asking for/giving directions (Where is the _____?, Go straight, Turn left, Turn right, Stop, Here).
Submitted by Englipedia Archive May 28, 2019 Estimated time: 15-30 min

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