
People Puzzler!

A activity based off NH2 page 85 and focuses on -est words.

Rules layed out in the powerpoint. But simply this game is a quiz game that uses the -est grammar from NH2 page 85. Each round the students will write their answer in the box. If correct they earn one point and if wrong zero points. And for example the question be like "Which is the biggest of the three?" and let's say the options are Earth, Mars, and Jupiter. Then they choose an option and for the answer write something like "Jupiter is the biggest of the three." Hope you and your students enjoy ^_^!

Small files
  • People Puzzler!.pdf (41.2 KB)
  • People Puzzler!.docx (17.1 KB)
  • People Puzzler!.pdf (407 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • People Puzzler!.pptx (5.6 MB)
  • 9
    Submitted by MegaTaco November 29, 2024 Estimated time: 10-20 minutes

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