
2000yen Dinner

Battleship-like restaurant game created for the "What would you like?" and "How much is it" grammar points

I was thinking of a game for "What would you like?" and "How much is it?" and this was born. It's kind of like a reverse battleship. You're going to a restaurant and all you have is 2000yen. First person to run out of money loses. Each box is worth 100yen but each student secretly chooses 10 boxes that will be worth 400yen. Just like battle ship but instead of trying to guess where the battleships are, you're trying to avoid them. I have little 100yen boxes on the bottom where the kids can keep track of how much money they have left. I'll have my students use pencil to mark their 400yen boxes but feel free to have them use ohajiki or something.

You can do this in pairs or you can have the kids walk around and form new pairs each time. You can also make it so they have to janken each time and only the winner can make a guess. Have fun with it. I just played this game with my small 5th grade class and they loved it. Will try at a bigger school soon but if you can make use of this, by all means go for it!
The worksheet is editable so if 6x6 battleship is too long, delete some rows or columns. Or you can increase the secret boxes from 400yen to 500yen. I was going to use fake money to make this game a little more interactive but I don't have the time haha. Have fun and happy teaching!

made using the flash cards from the 2024 Junior Sunshine Textbooks

Submitted by Nisemono December 3, 2024 Estimated time: 15-20 min
  1. kusobaba December 4, 2024

    Nice idea! Thanks.

  2. Thehungrycaterpillar December 15, 2024

    Thanks for sharing. I will give this a try in January!

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