
Magic Quiz

A family feud style quiz game

NEW Social Distance Rules
Rather than make groups in a square have each row be a group. For the first question the first student in each row stands up and tries to answer if they get a chance. Then once that question is done and checked move onto the next students in the row with the next question.

I've added a shortened version of the Passive Game. This way it takes about half the lesson time and in the remaining lesson time the students can write sentences about their town and then individually come to the ALT (who is set up in the corridor or a nearby room) to read their sentence and answer a question or two. There is no worksheet. I suggest having the students write in their notebooks. Once they've talked to the ALT they can return to their seat and make new sentences.

If SOCIAL DISTANCE rules are in place make sure the JTE explains that the students should remain in their seats. When one student is finished then the next student stands up and goes to the ALT. This is to avoid crowding. Also in this case students should only come to the ALT once. After they are finished the JTE should give them a worksheet of some sort to work on.

The teacher needs a copy of the questions.

Click through the demonstration screen before making groups.

Click once on the demonstration screen to see the instructions at the bottom of the screen. Click through them until you get to the key words. The instructions go 'I will ask you a question. Use the key words to answer it. For example. '___ is eaten in ___'. Then click again to see the question 'What food is eaten in America?'. Have the JTE or a student give an answer. Click again saying 'Nice Answer now pick a color' and whisper 'pick purple'. Click again to remove this message and click purple. 'Nice you get 3 points for your team' and click again saying 'This question can have more than one answer. Another team can give it a try'. Click again to remove that message and seek another answer from the JTE or another student. This time let them freely pick a color. If they pick green or orange either the devil (-3) or angel (+5) will appear. Tell them once the devil or angel appears the round is finished. Click on which ever didn't appear to show it and its value. Then click again to show the answer check.

Points should be recorded on the board. You can take turns with the JTE asking questions. The JTE can take the role of recording the points. Also make sure each new pattern is understood.

The students are put into groups to do this quiz after the demonstration scene is done. Then they pick their order. The number one student stands up and they raise their hands to try and answer the question. They should use the pattern on the screen for each answer.

When you are moving through the slides don't click on the witch. Clicking on her leads to the game over screen. Use it if you want to end the activity early.

At the end count the points and see which team wins.

I strongly suggestion familiarizing yourself with the flow of the activity before using it in class. Especially the demonstration screen.

I'd follow this up with a writing activity.

You can use this link to see a presentation that can help with editing my activities and making your own.

Small files
  • MAGIC QUIZ Passive.docx (13.3 KB)
  • MAGIC QUIZ Questions 2nd Conditional QUESTIONS and Follow Up Writing.docx (156 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • MAGIC QUIZ Passive.pptx (2.05 MB)
  • MAGIC QUIZ 2nd Conditional.pptx (3.11 MB)
    1. kyalt May 27, 2020

      Wow, simply amazing! This stands poised to overtake Mario Christmas Blast as the top activity on the site!

    2. rebvandev June 8, 2020

      Thank you for this! It worked great with the new social distancing rules.

    3. kayesensei July 10, 2020

      Hi! Your work is really great! I was wondering how you were able to make the effects. I would like to make a summer vacation version but I'm not really good at doing ppt presentations. Hoping for your reply. Thanks!

    4. UonumaRobert July 10, 2020

      Hi, Kaye. Thanks, glad you like it. I use the animation menu in PowerPoint and then if you are using a windows computer you and trigger the animation by clicking on an object. I posted this awhile ago. It breaks down how to make a basic game.

    5. ChuffyMcBrumbles February 22, 2022

      Hey Robert, you made this a couple of years ago, so not sure if you'll still be on here, but I was wondering, you know the images of the witch and devil etc. you used in this PowerPoint? I've noticed that there are quite a range in the same art style that are used in all sorts of study materials. Is there a way to access all of them? Also thanks for the 'how to make a powerpoint game' thing, it was so useful!

    6. UonumaRobert February 22, 2022

      Hi Chuffy, I'm glad it was helpful. As for the artwork. It all comes from a site called irasutoya. My second favorite site on the internet next to this one. You can just search the name in google or find the link below in the Resources useful links section.

    7. werebadger February 22, 2022

      @ChuffyMcBrumbles, you might be looking for

    8. juliabiv November 30, 2022

      My 6th grade absolutely LOVED this game, thank you so much!!! I made several alterations to make it easier and was getting told by my JTE that it was still too hard. However, the kids did fantastic, understood it completely, and had so much fun playing it. They loved it so much that they asked me if we could play again, and we did! Thank you thank you

    9. UonumaRobert December 1, 2022

      Wow, glad they liked it. Honestly I've never tried this with elementary school classes.

    10. juliabiv December 16, 2022

      Yes, as it is now it's a JH lesson, so I had to alter it a lot for them. I provided a conjugation cheat sheet, as well as a fill in the blank sheet for the questions. Next to the questions I also provided pictures that demonstrated what I was asking. Ex: "What did you eat this morning?" was next to a picture of eggs and toast. I also wrote the meaning of the time words (last week, yesteday, etc) on the chalk board for them to refer too. By the end, they were able to conjugate a lot faster.

    11. jiggswalsh February 6, 2023

      I did this (with edited questions) as a white board activity last week and I was surprised how great it went. I had 6 teams in class and they were really racing to write their answers down to get a chance at choosing a colour. Great work Mr Uonuma!

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