
Humpty Dumpty Game

A pick the verb quiz and a writing game for simple past irregular verbs.

This is based on the Alice and Wonderland story on page 126 of the current New Crown 1. It is not necessary to read the story to use this game. In fact few classes will reach it during the school term.

2022 Story Quiz
Introduces the eight verbs before going onto the story. The students change the red verb into the past tense. I do this in groups. Each group sends a member with the answer. If it is correct the select a playing card for points that they write on the board. I usually use ACE, TWO, THREE, FOUR and JOKER. The joker means rock, scissors paper with a teacher. If they win they get 5 points and if they lose they lose all points. Both teachers have cards.

This is a group writing activity. They will be given a worksheet and a group sheet. They must use three key words to make two sentences on their worksheet and then show the sentences to the teacher. The first sentence must include a time frame such as 'yesterday' or 'last week'. After they show the teacher their worksheet they pick an egg and tap on it to get points for their group. Once the foot or the Cheshire Cat appears hit the arrow to go to a new slide to continue. Once the time is up you can click on Humpty Dumpty to go to the game over screen. Teams work at their own pace. Once they've used one set of key words from their group sheet you should cross them out and they move onto another set.

On the demonstration slides you can click on the two number boxes to show examples. After the first example click on an egg but not the green or red glowing egg. After the second example click on the green glowing egg to make the Cheshire Cat appear. Say once it appears you click the arrow to continue the game on a new screen. Click that arrow and click the green glowing egg on the new screen to show the foot fall. Explain when this happens you also continue on a new slide.

Team teaching if you are using a computer one teacher can check the answers and another can control the game. If you are using a tablet either both teachers can check answers and control the game or teachers check answers and students control the game. The last is how I usually do this type of activity.

Before moving onto the game there is a slide with the vocabulary. There is quite a bit but it is worth going over.

I'd say about 20 to 25 minutes for the speaking game and the remainder for the writing game.

Small files
  • 3. HUMPTY DUMPTY 2022 'Irregular Verbs Simple Past'.docx (599 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • 2. HUMPTY DUMPTY 2022 'Irregular Verbs Simple Past'.pptx (8.77 MB)
  • 5
    Submitted by UonumaRobert January 29, 2020 Estimated time: 20 to 25 for the quiz and 20 to 25 for the writing activity.

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