
New Deal for ALTs - March 2023 Preliminary Results

Thank you to every ALT who responded to the survey as part of the 'New Deal for ALTs' campaign organised by General Union. 

These are "early findings" as the campaign is ongoing and still collecting responses to make a bigger sample size. Please answer the questionnaire and share it with friends and colleagues. Let's do something to change this broken system. 

  • More than half of direct hire ALTs work beyond their contracted hours. 

  • Almost ⅓ of JETs do not get the daily breaks that all workers in Japan are granted by law. 

  • ¾ of JETs view contract limits as unfair. These limits may already contradict labor law. 

  • 60% of JETs have problems with co-teaching, despite the JET Programme running for over 40 years. This may be related to the 50% dissatisfaction with training. 

  • Despite increases in working hours, dispatch ALTs' wages have not risen. In fact, the largest dispatch company is now starting teachers at 21.5万 per month. 

The system is broken and isn’t working for direct hire, JET, or dispatch ALTs. General Union members have been making connections with sympathetic people such as local politicians and MEXT bureaucrats and they need to know what’s going on on the ground. That’s where you come in. We are still looking for responses. Please respond and learn more about the campaign.

The union is also doing good work across different industries and workplaces. We are helping save peoples' jobs, including ALTs, from unfair practices. We are making sure that companies are providing their employees with shakai hoken as mandated by Japanese law. We are helping workers across a variety of industries organise and fight for better working conditions. You can read more at the General Union website. 

Thanks again.
  1. stevenyc113 April 7, 2023

    This is very good. I am lucky because I work in a junior highschool as a JET program alt. My situation is pretty good, but my biggest issue is only getting nenkyu for 10 days out of a whole 365 days. It really makes it hard to travel back to my country, meanwhile I know other ALT that get 20 days, house fully paid and they do nothing at work. I know one ALT complained because they only use her for 1-2 classes a week. she just sits at her desk all day. then I know another ALT that does 7 classes

  2. janeroboi April 12, 2023

    This is amazing, and deeply needed.

  3. AELTing March 8, 2024

    Some dispatches have started to embed the commute costs plus taxing the embedded commute costs. Net salary after tax only Yen 130,000. Do not try to raise a family, cant even feed yourself yet a single child

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