
Infinitive (general)

I want to be a mechanic.

  • You Must Commands

    Short pair activity. Good as a warm up.

  • Infinitive Madlib

    Students will (hopefully) make a funny story using the template of a Madlib that uses the target grammar.

  • Magic Box Scramble

    Teams race to unscramble the Magic Box story. Then, they answer questions to receive 'magic words', which then forms a 'magic question' the teams must answer.

  • Janken Meishi Action

    A twist on janken meishi. Students have to perform an action before giving up their card.

  • Want to go to Saizeria

    Students think of reasons to complete the sentences.

  • Famous Infinitives

    Students choose a famous star and, in pairs, ask each other questions to determine which star they have chosen.


    If it looks like ROBOTS ATTACK THE WORLD. That's because it pretty much is.


    The horse race activity played on the board. I often do it as a review before tests.

  • Once Around Board Game

    Practice third year grammar point 'we want you to do something' with an exciting board game.

  • New Year's Resolutions

    Students write goals for the new year and ask their friends about their goals.

  • What do you want to do for winter vacation?

    Students practice the Infinitive verb form by asking each other what they want to do in winter vacation.

  • What will you take on vacation?

    Students practice the grammar pattern "want to" by choosing what they'll bring with them on a vacation.

  • Liar Liar

    Students draw cards of target vocabulary and make a sentence. Other students guess if they are lying or not.

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