
Self-Intro Namecards

Learn your students names by having them create namecards. Designed for 5th/6th grade.


  • Print & cut name tags on cardstock (A4).
  • Ask your teacher/school if they can print students' pictures.

Students will need scissors, glue, and colored pencils.


Pass out namecards and students' pictures. Students can cut and glue their picture on the front side.
Students will fill out the card, including their name, hometown, and a favorite item (sport, food, subject, anime, etc).
Once they've finished, they can decorate their card!

If there's extra time, you can have them practice their self-intros in pairs/groups.

Afterwards, collect their name cards. You can keep them to review before class :)


Depending on your students' level, you can print only the front side for 5th grade, both sides for 6th grade.

Submitted by lazypanda13 April 12, 2023 Estimated time: 20-25 min
  1. Gaijingaiden April 13, 2023

    These name cards will come in handy. I think my special needs kids will be proud of writing their names in English.

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