
JHS weekend homework

Every week, most of the time, I give my JHS 2nd and 3rd graders weekend homework. It consists of a short article for reading, and some simple questions to answer. (Sunshine textbook)

These are weekly homework that I give my JHS 2nd and 3rd graders. In general, I try to include grammar and vocab based on what they went through in class for that week. This is to get them used to reading articles and looking for answers from long passages (especially for 3rd graders taking their entrance exams. The reading portion in their papers are long and wordy as heck).

I also have a system with the 3rd graders where they get points for trying and handing in the homework, and they can exchange it for things like stickers and all.

Feel free to loot the homework from me, or leave a comment if you have suggestions.
I'm also posting it here to get some ideas on what topics to write about for their homework. I usually have trouble thinking of something new every week so please feel free to suggest.
I'll try to update them weekly, or maybe every once in awhile.

Y2 Gdrive folder:
Y3 Gdrive folder:

Submitted by TeeRexX June 19, 2023 Estimated time:
  1. Chipojaya1 June 19, 2023

    These folders don't seem to exist after searching

  2. ChetBorneo June 19, 2023

    Works fine for me. Maybe check you are searching the full location addy?

  3. sarahr97 June 20, 2023

    I think these are super interesting!!! I won't use them as homework but maybe as an in-class worksheet if needed.

    One funny thing is that for some it looks like the writing isn't there but it's in white.

  4. Mango June 20, 2023

    These look great! I can use them with some of my lower level HS classes. Thank you for sharing! =D

  5. TeeRexX June 20, 2023

    @sarahr97 Could you tell me which are the ones? I think it might be a formatting issue as I use dark mode on my ms word. I'll see if I can change them on the gdrive version

  6. TeeRexX June 20, 2023

    Ok cancel that, I found them and made the changes. Probably a formatting issue when converting from word to gdocs. Thanks! I'll take note for future uploads

  7. Tohokuteach July 3, 2023

    The texts and questions are great! I was wondering how your point system works? Is it based on correct answers? How do you and the students keep track of how many points each person has?

  8. jojo27 July 3, 2023

    thanks for all of your hard work!

  9. TeeRexX July 3, 2023

    @SolanKJ: Sure, if you do have any ideas feel free to do it. I think you can request for editor access and I'll let you through :) Feel free to move away from the template if it doesn't suit your style, the template isn't perfect in the first place.

    @Tohokuteach: I originally introduced the point system as a way to encourage students to submit their homework and to try answering the questions, even if they don't know the answer. So 5 points for submitting, 1 for trying to answer (or incorrect), and 1 more if its correct. So a total of 2 points for each correct answer. Bonus parts are usually 2 points per sentence, regardless if it's correct or not.

  10. TeeRexX July 3, 2023

    @Tohokuteach: Sorry I left this part out, I write the points each students earned for that worksheet as well as their total accumulated points on their marked homework. So the points are only privy to them. I also have an excel sheet that tracks each student's submission history and points earned every week. Takes a bit of work, but you get to track student's progress.

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