
Dictionary Race

Students use dictionaries to race eachother!

The students will all have dictionaries, we can put them in pairs to make teams of two for the larger groups. Mark the points on your whiteboard.
1. Ask them what this is for one point? (Dictionary)
2. Ask the students which is the largest section of the dictionary by number of words (S) and what is the smallest (X)
3. What’s the first word listed? Abacus
What’s the last word listed? Zoom

  1. The ALT starts by asking the students to find the first word in their dictionary that begins with a letter (you can choose). For example, what is the first word beginning with “A” and the students will all turn their pages to the word and the first to call it out correctly is the winner and gets the point.

Maybe just choose 4 or 5 different ones to warm up.

  1. Then, the ALT asks what page a specific word is on - for example, “What page is the word Elephant on?” (Pg. 208) Do this for a few words and the fastest students are the winners again.

Word lists in the document attached

Submitted by LeoC91 November 6, 2023 Estimated time: 15 minutes

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