
Alphabet Cards (Large Print)

Large print alphabet cards for visually impaired students.

Large print version of alphabet cards I made for visually impaired students after I noticed several students were having trouble seeing the standard decks. These are based on sets our school has, so I tried to copy the design as best as I can (aside from the pictures, which I took from Irasutoya). I designed them to be printed on B5 paper, two cards to a sheet. I recommend cutting them out and gluing them to construction paper and then laminating.
Both upper and lowercase sets. The originals have the alphabet printed on the backs of all of the cards, but that was a bit difficult to do with every single card, so I made one reference card for each set.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Large Print Alphabet Cards (Uppercase).pptx (7.29 MB)
  • Large Print Alphabet Cards (Lowercase).pptx (7.29 MB)
  • 7
    Submitted by wanifan October 4, 2022 Estimated time:
    1. Bonjure289 October 4, 2022

      I like this a lot, but I think a different font would be better, as kids will copy on how to write their lowercase a and g like that. For upper case, the G, I and Q could be different, guess it depends on the standards of the school. Lines are a little bit confusing as well, they do not really sit on the lines like they should. Not sure if you could fix this? If so, would make this perfect!

    2. wanifan October 5, 2022

      Thanks for the feedback! The font is the same one used on the cards at our school, which is MitsuEHandwriting. I tried to copy the cards exactly. We haven't gotten to lowercase letters yet, so I threw them together very quickly and hadn't edited them. They should be all fixed up now!
      The lines on the uppercase letters are very slightly off due to them somehow shifting during printing. Not sure why, but they printed properly when I shifted them slightly, so they look a little off.

    3. altirasuto October 5, 2022

      These are really nice! I do agree that the font should be changed (unsure if the file is updated now?). I would suggest, if they're available to you, to use a Universal Design font (UD デジタル 教科書体 is used in the textbooks). UD fonts work great because they can easily be read from afar and are easier to read for those who may have trouble normally (such as dyslexic learners). They also don't tend to have print styled letters like a or g.

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