
Independence Day

A celebration of true American pride

Straightforward powerpoint. History/background -> some talking points -> celebration and tradition -> some videos. Depending on your historical knowledge it could be longer or shorter but I added notes in as well. After the tradition slide it would be good to add it personal pictures or talk about recipes your family uses back home.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Independence day.pptx (15.9 MB)
  • 2
    Submitted by gordy1 July 4, 2023 Estimated time: 25-35 minutes
    1. doggyboy July 10, 2023

      based ppt

    2. Fernand July 10, 2023

      Gordy, I've a question. Do you work at an international school?

    3. gordy1 July 10, 2023

      Fernand, I do not work at an international school, but I always try to incorporate international things when I can. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Carnival, Halloween etc. I find that if there is a bit of history within the lessons the students retain the information easier.

    4. Fernand July 11, 2023

      Just wondering. Do you have someone that translates your lectures? It's hard to believe that public school kids can understand these type of lectures. I've been working as an ALT for 10 years, and I'm pretty sure this is for university students.

    5. gordy1 July 12, 2023

      Some of it is translated yes but we try to get the students to pick it up in English. After doing it once I actually pulled up a map and showed and explained the time the English colonist came over and how New England got its name and the colonial territory.

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