
Map Madness! (Directions Game)

A pair-work game where students guide each other through a park using complex prepositions.

In this activity, students roleplay meeting in a park at the weekend. Person A arrives but cant see person B so calls them on the phone. Person B is somewhere in the park and gives directions to help person A find them.

The set up is pretty simple to demonstrate with your JTE. Stand back to back with them and pantomime making the phone call and giving directions:

ALT: Hello, --sensei. I’m at the park now. I’m at the entrance. I can’t see you. Where are you?
JTE: I’m in the park. Walk along the river, go across the bridge. Can you see me?
ALT: I can see you! Your’re at the shop!
JTE: Yes, I am!

Ask the students to explain what just happened to check they understand the premise.

Put students in pairs and give them the worksheets (there are different worksheets for person A and person B), stressing that they mustn’t look at the other person’s sheet.

Person B draws an X at one of the locations on their map.

They guide person A using prepositions. "Walk along the river, go through the woods, etc."

Person A draws an X on their map when they’ve found person B.

Then they share maps to see if they match.

Switch roles and repeat.

Note: You need to specify that every instruction they give should use prepositions, not just "Go left, go right, go straight" or they’ll be lazy.

This was made to go with my Let’s Learn New Prepositions PowerPoint activity.

Canva link to the worksheet:

Submitted by godzillasweirdfriend February 19, 2024 Estimated time: 10-15 minutes

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