
New Year's Around the World Powerpoint

Powerpoint quiz about seven countries' New Year's traditions

This is a powerpoint with quiz questions meant to introduce different countries' New Year's traditions (includes the U.S., Scotland, Greece, Denmark, Spain, Colombia, the Philippines, and South Africa.) It is supposed to be fun and introduce these traditions in a similar way that the New Horizon textbook introduces information about other countries that students will obviously not know; they shouldn't be expected to know correct answers. These are very simplified for the sake of the English level (made for elementary) so I suggest explaining them further in Japanese if possible.

The beginning is focused on my home country (the U.S.) so I suggest if you're not American that you make your own beginning and maybe pull one of the U.S. quiz questions to use later in the ppt. Even if you are from the U.S., it includes a traditional New Year's meal that I believe from my small amount of research is actually only eaten in the South (which I didn't realize until making this ppt as it's normal to me haha) so if you're from the U.S. but don't eat this meal, you should either talk about how it's eaten just in the South or just omit/ replace it! (For simplicity's and familiarity's sake, I called the greens used kale or spinach to help the kids imagine it!!)(Also dollar/yen conversions are very simplified)

How I Run it:
I usually start by doing a number of 3 Hint Quizzes related to the holiday so that the students can easily guess the answer (for example, for my Christmas presentation the quiz answers were like Santa and snow). The number of 3 Hint Quizzes will be the number of teams you will make. Assign the teams and while you're writing/drawing the team names on the board, have them play janken. The order they win will determine the order in which they pick team names. The names are from the selection of 3 Hint Quiz answers. For New Year's, I'll probably do Japan related New Year's items like mochi, kite, karuta, and osechi. I do this naming system because my students regularly do and enjoy 3 hint quizzes. If you have another option, I would suggest you do what they're familiar with so you don't have to spend a lot of time on this part. I just like to keep everything in a similar theme.

Then just run through the powerpoint, have students try to read if they can/ have them listen. It's very likely you will need to explain some things in Japanese so either have that ready or talk to the HRT/JTE in advance. It should be a fun way for students to learn about things internationally but very basically and to suggest if they're interested that they can do further research.

Please feel free to give suggestions especially if you are from one of these countries or familiar with their traditions!

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  • New Years Around the World.pptx (53.5 MB)
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    Submitted by altirasuto January 5, 2022 Estimated time: 35 min
    1. UonumaRobert January 5, 2022

      Nice use of powerpoint animations. Very cute.

    2. AvaWhiteRaven January 6, 2022

      I was just explaining to my husband about the Southern food and its meaning XD Which is all pretty much about money!

      I loved the way you set up the questions in the ppt to slowly remove the wrong answers. It'll get the kids really excited. Great job!

    3. suzume January 7, 2022

      This is a great powerpoint! Although as a Scottish person I have to say that calling what the first person to visit the house brings as 'alcohol and cake' is over simplifying it a bit much i think especially if you don't say why they bring it... they bring a coin (prosperity), bread (food), salt (flavour), a lump of coal (warmth) and scotch whisky (good cheer). The person should also be a dark-haired man (dating back to blonde men = viking invaders).

    4. UonumaRobert January 7, 2022

      Suzume, can it be a blond man wearing a dark wig? Or is that worse somehow? Like a viking trying to sneak into the house.

    5. altirasuto January 7, 2022

      @suzume- I do totally agree that it is oversimplified, however, it is on purpose. As I mentioned, there is a lot of explanation to be done if you are to explain each tradition and it is in my opinion, too difficult to do at 6th grade elementary level English (which this was made for). I do recommend if you use this powerpoint as a base then to explain the Scottish tradition thoroughly in the beginning instead of the American stuff. :)

    6. suzume January 7, 2022

      I agree but I would at least change it to alcohol and bread. I've never heard of anyone bringing cake.

    7. altirasuto January 7, 2022

      Updated it to be alcohol and bread! Thanks for the advice!! I was worried I might be oversimplifying the traditions, so I appreciate your help!

    8. Lucasmh January 8, 2022

      Nice work. I appreciate the little touches with the animation. Not many ALTs put that much effort in the little details. This is a fine job you should be proud of

    9. MrIssei January 11, 2022

      This is a great powerpoint! I learned a lot myself just from going through it~! I can tell you put a lot of love and hard work into this! Amazing Job! Thanks so much for sharing~!

    10. wyxhime January 12, 2022

      love the answer animation for how much money do americans get for otoshidami XD

    11. rebvandev January 12, 2022

      Thanks so much for this! I love when not only my students but also I learn new things in a lesson. They were all shocked at the smashed plates! I did this for my first-year JHS students and am going to do it with the other grades as well.

      I have one suggestion - how about including an African country that way the students can learn a little something from every continent? (except Antarctica, lol)

    12. UonumaRobert January 12, 2022

      I remember an ALT from South Africa from my old office had a presentation and it said they throw old furniture off the balcony on New Years or New Year’s Eve.

    13. altirasuto January 24, 2022

      Thanks for the suggestion rebvandev and Uonuma Robert. I added a slide about South Africa!

    14. UonumaRobert January 24, 2022

      'Out with the old in with the New' very nice. Great presentation and really hit a niche. I think its the first presentation on the site to cover New Year's traditions.

    15. KobeALT December 12, 2022

      My sisters are from Denmark and have never heard of the plate smashing thing, but there are so many articles about it. So strange!

    16. altirasuto December 12, 2022

      @KobeALT- Ahh, I was worried about that kind of thing when making this. I have limited personal experience so I have to rely on what I read on the internet to talk about other countries, unfortunately... I guess some people have to be doing it for there to be so much information about it online??? If anyone has information otherwise about New Years' traditons, I'd be happy to change the ppt! (and I suggest anyone else to edit and add as they see fit!)

    17. UonumaRobert January 10, 2023

      Thanks again for this excellent and for this week topical presentation.

    18. ManaTea January 12, 2023

      I know I'm late to the party, but it's because I'm teaching this lesson right now in my visit school. If you want to add a section for Slovakia (i'm not sure how this applies to other slav nations) here is some info:

      So in Slovakia, every single day is associated with a name, or nameday I guess. I know Slovakia isn't the only one. For example today is 1/12 so January the 12th is Ernest. 1/3 is Daniella, etc. The big celebration day in Slovakia is the Eve or 12/31 which is Sylvester day. (1/2)

    19. ManaTea January 12, 2023

      Didn't realize there was a character limit so here comes. Part 2

      So for new years we would ask people "What are you doing for Sylvester?" and not "What are you doing for new years?" There are fireworks at midnight and other global standard things like spending it with family + special shows. Some of the other traditional stuff is choosing what to eat. No poultry of any type or your fortune will fly away. Pork + Sauerkraut = lucky. (2/2)

    20. altirasuto January 16, 2023

      @mcomorkova- Thanks for the suggestion, that's so interesting! I added on a section on Slovakia. :)
      Everyone feel free to modify and add on to the file as you'd like!

    21. Ninja3 December 6, 2023

      Hello @altirasuto is there any way I can access the PowerPoint through a link? Gomenasai. I am curious after reading this post and the comments.

    22. Alina December 18, 2023

      Hey! I can't seem to access the ppt anymore, is there someone who can send me the link to download?

    23. Cammy22 December 21, 2023

      This seems interesting, too bad I can't access it.

    24. audaciousfool December 26, 2023

      I can't access it either. Is someone able to share a copy?

    25. OnlyEnglish January 9, 2024

      "I remember an ALT from South Africa from my old office had a presentation and it said they throw old furniture off the balcony on New Years or New Year’s Eve."

      This is hilarious, Im from South Africa this is the first time I've heard this!

    26. OnlyEnglish January 9, 2024

      you cant access it until you pay for the subscription as its classified as a Large file.

    27. cosmicality January 12, 2024

      Can you upload it to google and edit in the link? Would love to be able to use this!

    28. Ninja3 January 12, 2024

      Dear altirasuto, I have the same request as cosmicality. I would love to use this. Onegai.

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