
Bucket List

Students will write about things they want to accomplish in their lifetime.

More than likely students are not familiar with the term Bucketlist. ALT can explain what a bucket list is. I`d also probably show them a clip of the movie The Bucketlist to stir some interest in the topic.

Allocate some time for students to brainstorm with their partner about things they would want to do.

Some ideas: adventure, travel to a new country, learn something new, a new hobby

  1. First, they can list out their ideas eg. Travel to Dubai, Get married, Learn to speak French, Learn to drive
  2. After listing out their ideas, they can choose 1 or 2 of things from their list and expound on it using the Useful Expressions.
    Example: Ive always dreamt of traveling to Dubai.

  3. Encourage students to write as much as they want. They can talk about who they want to have these experiences with, where and when.

Submitted by ashgalethia December 9, 2022 Estimated time: 40-45 minutes
  1. yellowbird February 13, 2023

    I like this Idea, and I would love to use it.
    For Public Schooling, I know many Japanese Teachers who will (and did) say no to this activity. * also many others who of course ask the ALT to teach the class, Or they themselves teach the class In English, but it still doesn't happen in every school yet, sadly.

    I wish it had a translation to calm the students and Japanese teachers who panic on short notice so they would be more open to using this activity!

  2. zeeshanazam February 14, 2023

    Thanks for the idea! I will use your worksheet for my Elementary 6th graders. I would rather adjust the vocabulary according to their level and probably I'd like to add Japanese translation too. Thanks for sharing.

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