
Question Words - Snakes and Ladders

Snakes and ladders with a quiz component

Game board template here ->
(Credit to whoever originally made that)

A Snakes and Ladders variant designed to drill question words, since I've noticed a lot of students struggling with them.

Using the board and spinner, students take turns advancing on the board. After each student moves, they draw a question card from the stack.

They get to advance an extra space for every correct answer, and go back one space for each incorrect answer (after they've already moved, we don't want this taking forever!).

Edit: An important rule to address: if the student reaches a snake or ladder AS A RESULT OF their bonus/penalty move, they should ignore it.

Submitted by NamikiHayden April 5, 2023 Estimated time: 45-60 minutes
  1. Mango May 25, 2023

    Looking forward to trying this- thank you! =)

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