
Cross word for Elementary student

simple vocabulary crossword for elementary 6th and 5th grade students

  1. Charg February 2, 2024

    This is fun! There are just a couple typos that you might want to fix. 8 across says 'salmon is form...', you should change it to 'from'. Also, I think the hint about soccer is worded in a weird way, as the answer would be soccer BALL. Maybe you can say, '11 players on a team'. Lastly, for 'elephant', the hint should be 'it has a long nose'! You are missing the 'a'. Thanks for the activity! Crosswords are always fun.

  2. RubyBHN February 5, 2024

    Thank you @ Charg. I have uploaded the revised version

  3. RubyBHN February 5, 2024

    Thank you @Charg.. It`s updated now.

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