
Rain, Flower, Bee, Egg, Bunny

Similar to the game Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese, Pizza, but with springtime vocabulary.

Inspired by Santa, Cookie, Elf, Candy, Snowman activity by chacha. The presentation template is from Slidesgo.

I played the Christmas version with my academic and technical high school students, and they all enjoyed it! Especially my academic students. I made this version as a filler lesson and it also went well!

Google Slides Presentation Link:


Print the deck so its card faces one side, stripes on the other. One deck has 39 cards and is suitable for 2-5 players, though 5 is pushing it. I have about 40 students in each class, so I printed and laminated ten decks.


  1. Optional: question word review and free talk. This is helpful for filling some time.

  2. Elicit vocabulary from the class. Students will answer "rabbit" instead of "bunny," so take a moment to review that with them. (うさぎ=rabbit, うさちゃん=bunny)

  3. Repeat the words altogether and practice the sequence. Remind students that this is the pattern they have to follow. They cannot change the order of the words.

  4. Students form groups of 3-5. My classes have about 40 students each, so I had nine groups.

  5. Pass out one deck of cards for each group. Explain the beginning instructions and review the word sequence again.

  6. Getting Started: The starting player will take the top card off their deck and lay it face-down in the middle of the group. At the same time, they will say the first word in the sequence--"rain". Then the next player will do the same and say the next word in the sequence--"flower". And so it continues around, each player revealing one card and saying the next word in the sequence.

7: When to Slap: If the spoken word and the card DO NOT match, do nothing. Continue as normal. But if the spoken and the card DO match, all players must slap the middle pile!

8: Losers: The last player to slap the pile loses the round! Anyone who slaps or tries to slap a non-matching card also loses the round! The loser must take all of the cards in the middle pile and add them to their deck. The loser will also begin a new round with the word "rain".

9: Goal of the Game: The first person to get rid of all their cards is the winner! Your students might not know the phrase "get rid of," so take a moment to review or translate. When a winner has been decided, students may continue playing for second place, third place, last. Or they can shuffle all the cards and start a new game.

10: Special Cards: Special cards can be slapped at any time! They require special actions before the player can slap. There are four special cards. You can change them or the actions however you like.

Not explained the presentation or PDF. Aside from one change, all of these rules come from chacha's Christmas activity. This version is helpful if you have more groups of 5 so the students aren't repeating the same word over and over.

  1. Students form groups of 3-5 and janken to choose a Game Master.

  2. The Game Master holds onto the deck of cards. The other group members are the players.

  3. The Game Master will reveal one card from the deck and say one word from the sequence at the same time. However, the Game Master does not have to follow the same sequence. They can say any of the five words in any order they please.

  4. When the GM's word matches the card they revealed, the players must race to slap the middle pile.

  5. The first player to slap the middle pile receives all of those cards.

  6. The special card rules still apply. Players must complete those actions before they can slap the cards.

  7. If a player makes a mistake, they must give all of their cards back to the GM. The GM returns those cards to their deck.

  8. Continue until the GM runs out of cards.

  9. The winner is the player with the most cards.

  10. Shuffle the cards and choose a new GM.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Spring_InstructionsAndCards.pdf (3.18 MB)
  • Spring_Presentation.pdf (3.86 MB)
  • 10
    Submitted by razzmactazz February 20, 2024 Estimated time: ~40 mins

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