
DAILY ROUTINE- Penalty Game ❗ (罰ゲーム)

A quick warm-up game that practices reading, speaking, and listening and can be applied to any unit.

This is PPT is not originally mine. I added some slides and changed the questions. This PPT is from HEYITSMORI that is based from @RedPhoenix's Janken Game.

* Ask the students to make pairs and then do janken afterwards.
* The LOSER will answer the question while the WINNER ask the question.
* Ask them to count their points because the students with the most points are the winners of the game.

It's best to make a demonstration with the JTE first.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • PENALTY Game Grade 4.pptx (3.45 MB)
  • 10
    Submitted by YukiMino February 27, 2024 Estimated time:
    1. jeascon March 1, 2024

      Thank you for sharing. This is a good practice before they fill up their 'this is my day' worksheet.

    2. njpmustang March 11, 2024

      Thanks for sharing!! I used it as a warm-up in class last week and the students had a lot of fun!!

    3. Tsin2926 March 13, 2024

      thank you for sharing

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