
"What's this?" Alphabet Phonics Quiz

Quiz that asks students to guess the answer based on the letter it starts with. Best for warm ups with younger students.


"What's this?" quiz using phonics from A-Z. It first shows the letter, then the color of the answer, then a picture preview in the letter, and then the answer. For example, Aa -> red -> apple skin up close -> apple
Good for asking "What's this?" on every slide, so students can review letters, colors, phonics, and whatever the answer may be (mostly food and animals). This idea was taken from an ICT handbook for Japanese teachers.

Large files (requires a subscriber account) -
  • Alphabet-things.pptx (128 MB)
  • 20
    Submitted by meatydog April 16, 2024 Estimated time: ~10 minutes
    1. ausjet April 18, 2024

      The file is too large to download for free :'(

    2. meatydog April 19, 2024

      @ausjet I added a Google Drive link!

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