
Telephone Talk and Requests

These are the worksheets I use for the various telephone talk lessons in New Crown


I haven't updated or used this activity in awhile. If you are going to use it you should take a good look first for dated cultural references and stuff that doesn't suit the new teacher strategies. If nothing else I hope these older materials will give you some ideas for your own materials.

New Crown One
Let's Talk 7
Its a three round sign game. First round they select which homework they want help with. The second round they select where they want to go. The third round they ask to borrow something. Practice the dialogue, show an example and let them go. Once a few finish I end the round. Practice again and go.

New Crown Two
Let's Talk 6
Message Collecting and roleplays.
Practice the dialogue. Cut out the messages and give each student one. They then make pairs, have the dialogue twice. Switching roles then record the message. Their goal is to try and get all the messages. I rarely use this part since I find it too difficult. I do use the role plays a lot though. In a pair they make a conversation then come to a teacher. Do their conversation and get stickers.

Will You Requests
This is a write and race activity. They work in groups. You give them the first problem. They think of a request that will help them with that problem and bring the request to a teacher. The teacher says OK and gives them the next problem.

New Crown 3
Role Plays
The students practice the telephone conversation and in pairs make their own versions. Practice it a few times then demonstrate it for a teacher. Generally I give them stickers if they complete two such dialogues.

Could You Requests
Basically the same as Will you Requests

Could You Ask him to Requests
As above but the grammar is a little more on point.

Submitted by UonumaRobert January 31, 2020 Estimated time: Each activity is good for about 20 minutes
  1. OdafromTaijima February 5, 2020

    Thank you for sharing !

  2. aggro crag September 12, 2023

    The could you request worksheet works well with Blue Sky 2 page 72.

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