
Affirmative sentence

You are hungry.

  • Useful Japanese words

    Students practice passive grammar by thinking of words that they want to teach to people learning Japanese.

  • What will you take on vacation?

    Students practice the grammar pattern "want to" by choosing what they'll bring with them on a vacation.

  • I call it...

    Students practice the verb "call" by telling each other about the nicknames they use.

  • Guess the teacher

    Students practice relative pronouns by writing hints about teachers at their school.

  • What will you give your family for Christmas?

    Students practice the grammar for "give" by thinking of what Christmas presents they would give to family members.

  • I'm thankful for...

    Students explain why they're thankful for someone or something in their lives.

  • Teacher birthday presents

    Students think about what they would give teachers for their birthday.

  • Kings and Queens

    Students practice imperative form by giving orders to their classmates.

  • When and where do you ...?

    In this worksheet, students practice "when" and "where" by asking about each other's routines.

  • What were you doing at ___ last night?

    Students ask each other about what they were doing last night to practice past continuous grammar.

  • Class Rules

    Students practice "must" and "must not" by thinking about the rules of various classes in English.

  • My Family's Rules

    Students practice the modal verbs "must" or "have to" by writing about the rules of their household.

  • Plural Monsters

    Students practice plurals (and the names of body parts) by drawing comical monsters.

  • Animal guessing game - Can

    Students quiz each other about animals using "can" sentences.

  • Karuta

    A game in which the teacher says a word or phrase and students race to slap the correct card.

  • Karuta: Can Convo

    Different ways of playing karuta games

  • He is a... / She is a... matching game.

    A quick and fun matching game designed to practice "He is a..." "She is a..."

  • My week

    Students practice the days of the week by writing out their weekly schedules.

  • Collaborative review of New Crown 1

    This is a review of the first 40 pages of NC1. A collaborative lesson where all members of each group have a role. Students need to work together to complete the task.

  • "That looks like..." Blind Drawing

    Students cover their eyes, draw something, and then ask each other what the picture looks like.

  • In my house... (Passive)

    Students write passive sentences to explain which people in their family do what things in their household.

  • 3 Truths, 1 Lie

    Students write four statements and try to guess which one is false.

  • I got you!

    Students try to bluff each other with simple statements.

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