
Who was eating the cookies?

A whodunnit game using past progressive. Students ask questions to find out who ate the cookies.

After pre-teaching past progressive, give the students the worksheet first and explain the game, then organize the classroom as follows. Get the students to put their tables together with the person sitting next to them. Most classrooms in Japan have six lines of seated students. Doing this will create 3 lines of desks pushed together, with each line usually having 10 to 12 students each. The students will then ask the student facing them a question, and when they are finished, either the boys or the girls (the teacher can work that out) stand up and move one seat down, with the end person rotating from one end of the row to the other. Then give each student an identity card (Try to make it so that each time the students move, they meet a person with a different identity card). They then ask each partner the three questions, and by doing so, they can deduce who the cookie thief is and write the answer in the box. For consolidation and writing practice, they then write what each person they interviewed was doing.

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    Submitted by kentstray June 15, 2018 Estimated time: 20 minutes including explanation time.

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