
MadLibs (present perfect/continuous)

Fun MadLibs group activity which uses present perfect sentences (including "yet" "just" "since" "for")

This is just like the MadLibs activity I made for JHS 2年 ("when" conjunction), but it is for 3年 using present perfect sentences (Unit 2 New Horizons).

There is:
1) The word sheet (fill in the words)
2) The story (in English and in Japanese)

-It is color coded to help visually as well. You don't have to print one out for every student. Only 4~6 prints of each document are needed for large classes. (I recommend printing them on larger paper so everyone can see.)
-You should print the Japanese version separately and cut out each sentence of the Japanese version.


1) Split the students into 4~6 groups (they will put their desks together.)

2) You will hand out the Word Sheet first. Tell them to get creative and work together to fill in the blanks. They can use their dictionaries and tablets too. There are examples at the back of the page, but the crazier and more random their words are, the funnier. (Maybe give them about 20 minutes)

3) When they finish, the group should raise their hand, and you will give them the ENGLISH version of the story first. They will fill in the blanks with their chosen words.

4) After they do that, they should raise their hand again and you will give them the cut up Japanese sentences. They should fill in the Japanese words and then try to arrange the sentences to match up with the English story.

5) Presenting!! Once everyone finishes, have them listen. You will read one English sentence at a time out loud, and one of the students in that group will read the corresponding Japanese sentence (so the class can understand). You can do this for all four groups. That way, all the groups can hear (and understand) everyone's version of the story.

6) If there is time, have the class vote on their favorite story (they can't vote for their own). Whichever group has the most votes wins! (I typically give them stamps or prizes in class)

Other Notes:
-This way is designed for a full class period (because my JTEs want me to use the full class) but feel free to alter it to your needs.
-My Japanese translation may not be correct. I plan on asking my JTE to check before I do this activity, so please fix it if you need to T~T
-The arranging of the Japanese sentences is just to make sure they can understand the English meaning/grammar point. Hopefully the repetition at the presentation part will help them with their understanding.

Submitted by Celestar129 May 31, 2023 Estimated time: 30-50 minutes
  1. aimeeyuri4 June 1, 2023

    I did this with my class today and they couldn't stop laughing!! Thank you for this great activity! I would definitely recommend emphasizing to be creative and not solely follow the examples given. Thank you again!

  2. Celestar129 June 2, 2023

    @aimeeyuri4 I'm so glad they enjoyed it!! I haven't tried it with my own class yet, so that is very encouraging!

  3. jamesyjames May 8, 2024

    This is a well-made and easy to see and understand mini Mad Libs activity. The only part I am unclear on is about is cutting up and having students piece together the Japanese script. Sure, the sentences aren't numbered like in the English version, but it should be quite obvious what order they should appear in, due to how they appear in the English version. Unless they hid the English script from themselves first, it would be a pretty easy task.

  4. meatydog June 4, 2024

    This is so amazing! I used this script and put what they're supposed to write under the line so it uses less paper. Thank you so much for this idea! I'll definitely be using things like this to review grammar that my older students usually feel is kind of boring haha

  5. jintapatchi09 June 5, 2024

    Excellent activity, Took the full 50 minutes. Even my usually quiet classes were having a good time, laughing and enjoying themselves.

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