
English-Japanese Title Match-up

Students match the English and Japanese movie/game/show titles. Designed for groups, but can be completed individually. Includes answer slides.

I used this with 1st Grade SHS students and they enjoyed it. The titles include movies (Western and Japanese), video games, and TV shows. You might want to change the content to better fit your students' age, English ability, and interests. I included several pieces of media that I had already mentioned as my favorites to see if they remembered.

The answers are on a PowerPoint but you could just write them down and read them out if you don't have access to a PC in the classroom.

Some are very easy (Your Name, Animal Crossing), while others are very difficult (Despicable Me, Old Enough). Most fall somewhere in the middle.


  • Groups of 3-5
  • They can ask questions such as "Is this a movie?" or "What does this word mean?", but they can't ask you for the answer.
  • Set a timer. We gave them 12 minutes but you might want longer or shorter.
  • Optional: they can only use English to discuss (This depends on your students' language ability)
  • If you have a fluent/native English speaker in your class like I did, let them know that they can't tell their group the answers, but they can give them hints/answer questions.


  1. Show the first slide explaining the task and rules.
  2. Have them get into groups.
  3. Hand out the sheets then start the timer.
  4. While the students are working, wander around and see how they're doing. You can offer them hints even if they don't ask, especially if there's one lots of students are finding difficult.
  5. When the timer is up get everyone's attention and check the answers. The slides follow the order of the English title list.
  6. See who got the most right! Optional: brief discussion/feedback on which ones were the hardest and why.
Small files
  • GtG Eng Jpn Title match up worksheet.docx (16.5 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • GtG Eng Jpn Title match up slides.pptx (8.58 MB)
  • 13
    Submitted by GemTheGaijin October 6, 2023 Estimated time: 15-20 minutes including marking

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