
Memory Game (went)

In small groups of 2 or 3 or 4 people, take turns to find the matching cards.

You need to prepare the "cards" for the students. That means printing out these sheets and cutting them up. You don't have to but you could put a back on them to prevent students seeing the matching cards.
Then, play the game.
All the cards will be face down on the table. In turns students turn over 2 cards at a time. If the cards match, they get to keep the card. I let them take a turn again if they find the matching card. The game finishes when all the cards are gone.
It is good if students read the cards aloud when they turn over cards.
This game is called Shinkei-suijaku in Japan.

Submitted by Furachan December 8, 2023 Estimated time: About 10 to 15 minutes....
  1. Furachan January 11, 2024

    I did this game today. I used different colored paper for the cards. AND after the students played the memory game, they started playing "Old Maid"/Baba-nuki or jiji-nuki.

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