

A very extra powerpoint demonstration of everyone's favorite elementary school card game

I made a very extra powerpoint for my ES 1st and 2nd graders for their last English class with me for the school year.
My HRT's told me "Anything is OK", so here I am teaching my kids about go fish.

I made two versions.

① A 1-10 version that is easily accessible if your classroom has cards on hand or if you're willing to go to Daiso and pick up a couple of packs for your kids.

② A Fruits and Vegetables version which will require you to cut and laminate cards (if you have the spare time to do so).

I'll attach premade cards for anyone who is willing to put the work into making them! (WARNING FYI that you'll need to make a lot of cards if you choose to do fruits and vegetables: 2 sets per group in order to allow them to even make pairs. (1 set is 27 cards, so you'll be laminating and cutting 54 cards just for one group! Definitely worth it if you do choose to do so, but only if you have the time!!))

I had my class break into 6 groups (about 4~6 kids per group) and had them go at it after reviewing the English words and phrases.

The main phrases for this activity are:

"(Person's name). ______, please."
"Here you are."
"Go fish!"

You could probably change the subject to any other vocab if you have premade cards of anything else, by right clicking my card images in the slide and choosing "Change picture" and changing it to your own card's images.

I hope my extra powerpoint helps anyone!

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • GO FISH - Numbers 1-10.pptx (3.36 MB)
  • GO FISH - Fruits and Vegetables.pptx (3.87 MB)
  • fv1set.pdf (1.65 MB)
  • fv8sets.pdf (1.68 MB)
  • 13
    Submitted by Judekichi January 22, 2024 Estimated time:
    1. makky January 30, 2024

      Thank you! Your powerpoint is super cute

    2. melaniesensei March 21, 2024

      This is perfect for my special lesson with just three students! Love the powerpoint~ Thank you!

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