
"When I'm ____, I ______" (NC2 Pg 8) Group Game!

A group game to practice the "When Conjunction".

Hello! I made this specifically for my 2年生 students to practice page 8 of New Crown 2. I like this game a lot because it doesn't require a lot of prep (just a TV), it helps the students to practice speaking, and in my experience it's a game where the students get really competitive with one another!

There are a few different ways to play it! Basically, you break your students into group, give them a key word to use, and have them take turns saying different sentences while a timer is running. (For example: if they key word is "cold", they will have to say "When I'm cold, I __________".)

When the timer goes off, the student that's currently speaking is out! Originally, I made this game 5 rounds because my students are normally in groups of 5. When a student was "out" they would sit out for the other rounds and the students would continue until each group had 1 winner.

However, this year I wanted all of my students to continue practicing, so each round all students still participated and they still had a lot of fun and still did their best to make sure they weren't the one that was talking when the timer went off lol.

I originally had this activity going for 30 seconds, but that was way too short so I changed it to 1 minute. You can make it longer/shorter based on your students speaking level! If I did it again, I'd probably extend it to 2 minutes so that they had to make multiple sentences each round.

I also hid the timer when they were down to 15 seconds, so that they couldn't see how much time was left. This really helped and I definitely recommend keeping the time a secret!

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • 2年生 _When I'm _____ NC2 pg 8 GAME (1).pptx (4.21 MB)
  • 15
    Submitted by emilyinsado April 17, 2024 Estimated time: 15 minutes.

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