
What's This Point Game and Drawing Challenge

A Race and Speak Point Game with a Pair Drawing Activity

There are four parts to this lesson.

First is Small Talk. This is a one minute talk the students do in pairs at the begining of the lessons at my school. Cut this if you don't usually do small talk or if you and your partner have a different way of doing this. I'll link to my small talk post. It has some ideas for it.

Next a group Race and Speak Game. You use the green arrow to advance through the screen. Students are put in groups (or rows) and when they see the first silhouette the first student races to a teacher and says what they think the object is. For example 'This is an apple' or 'That is an apple'. Then if you are using a tablet they tap on the letter they want and get points for their team. If you aren't using a tablet then one teacher controls the computer and the student says what letter they want. After everyone is done do an answer check then move onto the next question and the next student in the group. At the end total the points and see which team wins. This is based on an earlier activity called Fun Fruits but simplified. I reduced it to one sentence per round and got rid of the writing. They can do writing later in the lesson.

Next have the students put their desks back. The drawing challenge is a simplified version of the one I used to do. Because of COVID restrictions I'm not allowed to do MINGLER style activities so the students must remain in pairs. The slide show just shows that you want them to draw things and then ask and answer 'What's this?' 'That is a banana'. Demonstrate using large copies of the worksheet. For the demonstration just do 30 seconds. At the same time as the Japanese teacher draw a picture and when you are done put your pencil down. Once both put pencil down take turns asking and answering. Then go back to drawing. In the 30 seconds see how many pictures you can get through. Then have the students do it for 2 minutes. If you are allowed to mingle in class I'd recommend an activity I call Drawing Challenge. I'll provide a link. It is much more entertaining.

Finally writing time.
The students draw pictures and write two sentences with each. For example 'This is a banana.' 'It is yellow.' This is solo work. After they do 2 they can have a teacher check. Depending on time I'll reward stickers for completing 2 or 4. The worksheet includes some vocabulary they can use but its just a suggestion. The slideshow includes the translation of those words.

Thats about it.

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  • 1-04A What's This Points Game and Drawing Challenge.docx (49.8 KB)
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  • 1-04A What's This Points Game and Drawing Challenge.pptx (14.8 MB)
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    Submitted by UonumaRobert August 27, 2021 Estimated time: Most of the lesson

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