
English Countries of the World Word Search

A word search activity for the list of countries where English is the official first language.

I do this as a warm up or filler activity. This word search can either be a timed activity (sometimes I give the students 1 min to find as many words as possible and award points valued at 1 point for each letter of the word they find) or it can be used to make up time if you have extra minutes.

All you need is a copy of the word search for each student and the students use their own pencils.

  • For Difficulty: If you have students that do these word searches quickly, I usually have a copy where the words they are looking for are removed and they are just given the title/ subject of the word search and the number of words they are trying to find. They then must search for what words they can find that fit the topic and as many as they can. Points are awarded for the number of the set words they find and any addition words they find that fit the theme but where not part of the set list.
Submitted by anantodam February 21, 2022 Estimated time: 5-10 minutes

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