
Bingo (with variations)

Goes with questions that have Yes/No answers (Do you?/ Are you?/ Can you?/ Will you?/ Did you?/ Have you?) Matching answers (three or more) - 1 bingo. The student with highest bingo count wins.

Basic rules:
1. Students ask the "Yes/No Questions" to other students.
1. Three consecutive "Yes, I...." answers - 1 bingo
2. Three consecutive "No, I...." answers - 1 bingo

Variation 1 - (10-15 minutes)

  1. Make 3x3 grid
  2. Horizontal matches, vertical matches, diagonal matches - 1 bingo each
  3. highest bingo count wins.

Variation 2 - [ 20 - 25 minutes]

  1. Make a table with 7 - 12 questions in the first column
  2. Second column - answer Yes, I.../No, I.... under heading "Friend 1"
  3. Third column - same as 2. but with friend 2
  4. Fourth column - same as 2 and 3 but with friend 3
  5. Students ask all questions to 3 random friends each.
  6. Matching "yes,I.../No, I....." answers among the ROWS get one bingo. [Three yes side by side or three no side by side - 1 bingo]
  7. Highest bingo count wins.

Variation 3 - [ 20 - 25 minutes]

  1. Make a table with 7 - 12 questions in the first column
  2. Second column - answer Yes, I.../No, I.... under heading "Friend 1"
  3. Third column - same as 2. but with friend 2
  4. Fourth column - blank column with "points" as heading
  5. Students ask all questions to 2 random friends each.
  6. Matching "yes,I.../No, I....." answers among the ROWS get one point. [Two yes side by side or Two no side by side - 1 bingo]
  7. Highest points wins.

** Can be done with 3 friends as well.

Submitted by Zahin July 5, 2022 Estimated time: Ranging from 10 - 20 minutes

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