
Who is Sazae's brother?

Students race to find the correct Sazae-san family member based on questions asked by the ALT.

Archived from Englipedia.
Originally submitted by Elem ALT Team on June 19, 2007.
(this was originally called "Sazae's Family," but there was another activity by that name so we changed the name of this one)


  • Split the class into groups. Give each group a set of character cards.
  • Within each group, the students divide the cards amongst themselves.
  • Attach the family tree on the blackboard and review the family members names to ensure familarity.
  • Start by modeling your question to the HRT, "Who is Sazae's uncle?" The HRT should raise the correct family member card. Keep asking the HRT various questions until the students start understanding.
  • Now, ask the students questions. Groups race to raise the correct character card. The person holding the correct card within the group should raise it and when called upon, say that family member’s name.


Variation by Raymond Corrigan: Guess Who?

  • In groups, students put their family cards face down in a pile and play Janken.
  • The janken loser picks up a card and makes a question about that character using the "Who is ---'s ---?" question format. For example, if A picked up Katsuo they could say, "Who is Sazae's brother?" or "Who is Tarao's uncle?"
  • The first Janken winner to give a correct answer receives the card. If all the Janken winners give a wrong answer the Janken loser receives the card. The dialogue should look something like this:

  • B: "Who is Tarao's uncle?"

  • A: Sazae!

  • B: No.

  • C: Katsuo!

  • B: Yes. gives the card to C.

  • Students play Janken again and repeat from Step 2.

  • This variation is challenging, but not as much as you might think. To prepare students play the normal game first, while playing have groups repeat the teacher's question along with the answer after the card has been raised in Step 5. Move onto this variation when they can do this well.


  • Make a chalkboard-size copy of the Isono Family Tree worksheet. Your school should have machine that can make a blackboard-size copy.
  • Copy enough sets of the family cards for each group. Option for non-eco ALTs: attach each card to a disposable chopstick for a handle.
  • Competitive games in some classrooms don't work well. If this might be an issue, make cards for each student.

概要: ALTの質問をもとに、 生徒は正しい家族を選ぶ競争をします。


  • 生徒はグループを作る。人物の特徴を書いたカード1セットずつ渡す。
  • それぞれのグループ内でそのカードを分配する。
  • 家系図は黒板に貼って、家族関係の単語を復習する。
  • HRTと一緒にデモをする。ALTが"Who is Sazae's uncle?" と聞くとHRTは正しい家族員のカードを上げる。生徒が分かるまで様々な質問を作って例を続ける。
  • 理解できたら、生徒に質問する。グループの中で正しい家族員のカードを持っている生徒がカードを上げる。呼ばれた生徒は上げたカードの家族の名前を言う。


  • サザエは漫画の人物です。「いその」は名字です。
  • いその家の家系図ワークシートは黒板ぐらいの大きさのサイズに印刷します。
  • それぞれのグループに家族カードのセットが必ず行き渡るようにします。オプションとして、家族のカードにそれぞれ割り箸をつけて、掲げやすいようにしてもよいでしょう。
  • クラスの雰囲気によって、競争するゲームが面白くできるかどうか違います。競争するゲームがうまく行かない場合は、一人ひとりにカードを全部持たせてもいいでしょう。
Submitted by Englipedia Archive March 13, 2019 Estimated time: 50 min

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