
Can you...? Printable Board Game

This is a printable board game to practice "Can you...?" and "Yes, I can. / No, I can't." Just need dice (one for each group).

This is a printable board game to practice "Can you...?" and "Yes, I can. / No, I can't."

Materials needed:
Just need dice (one for each group)
For game pieces, I usually have the students just use their erasers.

Everyone starts on the START arrow. Player 1 rolls the dice and moves ___ spaces. Everyone else asks a "can you" question based on the space the player landed on. For example, if the player landed on "sing well" --> Everyone together would ask player 1, "Can you sing well?" Player 1 then answers saying "Yes, I can. / No, I can't" The goal is to get to the FINISH first. Watch out for the "go back to start" spaces! If a player lands on "SWITCH" they can switch locations with another opponent!

Best if played with 3-5 players.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Can you Board Game.pdf (1.1 MB)
  • 33
    Submitted by mp2899 May 9, 2023 Estimated time: 30 minutes
    1. ArianneO May 22, 2023

      My special needs class enjoyed this one! I would like to edit some verbs though. If you have an editable version, could you please upload it as well? Thank you so much!

    2. audaciousfool June 7, 2024

      Hey! Do you by chance have an editable version? I love this idea to do with my elementary school students too but need to simplify it :) thanks for your hard work on this!

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