
Memory Game

5 Matching games

My students at my special needs school really enjoyed @taliwah 's matching game and asked for more!

5 themes:
1. Japanese Culture
2. American Culture
3. Things to do in summer
4. Things to do on Christmas (click on the dancing Santa and you get the version with the activities on top of the pictures)
5. Things to do on Halloween

First I review numbers 1-24, for a fun twist have them count backwards!
I've also played this with my JHS students and divided the class into groups.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Memory.pptx (25.2 MB)
  • 34
    Submitted by xxjanism July 13, 2023 Estimated time: 20 to 55 minutes
    1. onighost July 14, 2023

      Awesome presentation! Can't wait to use it with my special needs kids.
      One small thing, as far as I'm aware the general convention is that for Christmas, you would use "at" not "on", unless you specify the specific day "on Christmas day".

      Keep up the nice work!

    2. kusobaba July 14, 2023

      Nice work and thanks for sharing. I'm sure I'll be able to use one or two of these sometime. As for the above comment - I agree - but I am British too. I'd also use at Halloween not on Halloween but I've heard Americans and Canadians use on for both many, many times so it's probably standard there.

    3. ChibiGojira July 14, 2023

      I would only use "at" for "at Christmastime". I would use "on" for "on Christmas", as in Christmas day, with the "day" being unnecessary.

    4. cosmicality July 14, 2023

      I just had a conversation with a JTE this week about at vs on. It's just American English vs British English!

      Game looks really great, going to try it with my special needs kids as well! Thank you!

    5. ChibiGojira July 14, 2023

      Yep, different versions of English. "On Halloween" for Halloween day, or "during Halloween" for the season. Never "at Halloween" in general for American English.

    6. onighost July 14, 2023

      I suspected it would be a cultural difference. I suppose I would use "at Christmas" because there is more than one day with "Christmas" in it (Christmas Eve and Christmas Day), so "Christmas" alone means "Christmas time" to me. I guess in American English the default meaning is Christmas Day and you would specify "at Christmas time". Interesting to compare, and worth teaching our students about the differences!

      Funnily enough in contrast to @kusobaba I would say on Halloween XD. Language is weird and wonderful.

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