
JHS (一年生) - My Dream Robot

A PowerPoint example and worksheet for the "Dream Robot" activity on page 66 of the New Crown 1 textbook.

A PowerPoint example and worksheet for the "Dream Robot" activity on page 66 of the New Crown 1 textbook.

- none

1) - Print the worksheets for all students
2) - Run through the PowerPoint in presentation mode

- This is essentially just a stylized version of the activity from the textbook in order to promote interest. This is a New Crown activity, but using this worksheet/PP it can just as easily be done without the textbook and as a general writing practice for 1年生.
- This is also a good activity to use for pair or class presentations early on in the year once complete.

Grammar - Can (verb), free writing
Preparation Time - 10m
Explanation Difficulty - MEDIUM
Volume - LOW
Enjoyability - 4/5

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • My Dream Robot - PowerPoint (一年生).pptx (3.21 MB)
  • My Dream Robot - Worksheet (一年生).pptx (3.77 MB)
  • 8
    Submitted by benisbobthebuilder March 4, 2024 Estimated time: 10 mins (explanation) 30 - 40 mins (composition)

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