
Awesome-ish Game

A write and race group game. They race to answer the questions to get points.

NOTE: The happy dance points can be a little complicated if the students haven't done many powerpoint race and speak games before.

UPDATE: Sunshine One 2021 Version

The main difference here is I'm doing 'CAN' before they've studied pronouns such as 'He', 'She' or 'It' which means the activity is focused on 'I' and 'You'

Starts with 1 minute of talk time. The students in pairs must come up with can you questions.

Then do the quiz game which is pretty much the same as usual. I use it on a tablet so I let the students touch the buttons and record their own points.

Finally writing about what you can or can't do in various places.

Set up the TV and computer.

Prepare worksheets for each student.

Before making groups explain a bit about the grammar with the JTE and do the demonstration. The ALT will fill the role of teacher and the JTE a student.
Listen to the ALT's question and use the key words to answer the question 'What can dogs do?' 'Dogs can~' various answers are okay.

The JTE will answer the question and then pick one of the numbers at the top of the screen. That will reveal how many points they get. The points range from 1 to 5 plus two special points. Happy Dance means they get 4 points and every team gets 2 points. Godzilla means they lose 4 points. Tough luck.

Make groups and start the activity. The ALT will read the question, the JTE can check the answer then they come to ALT to pick a number and get their points. Students can record the points on the board themselves.

Since this is an activity where groups must wait until all the groups are finished before going to an answer check and then the next question it may be necessary to do a time limit. Either that or modify the worksheet so groups can come up to get a single bonus point for adding extra information. The example 'Dogs can catch a ball' (select a number from the screen), 'Dogs are cute' (get a bonus point for your team)

I've included the short 'Can you Sign Game'

Small files
  • Can you Sign Game.docx (465 KB)
  • 1-03A Awesome-ish Game 'Can and Can't' Sunshine One 2021.docx (487 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • 1-03A Awesome-ish Game 'Can and Can't' Sunshine One 2021.pptx (5.67 MB)
  • 2
    Submitted by UonumaRobert January 8, 2019 Estimated time: 30 minutes or so depending on the class. I usually do a 'Can Sign Game' warm-up then jump into this activity to fill a full lesson.

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