
(Wh-) Do You... BINGO!!

Students practice present simple "do you..." questions and answers while trying to score points with bingo!! Also includes a variation available for present simple wh-questions.

Lesson Goals and Requirements

- Some familiarity with (i.e. having already been taught) present simple "do you..." questions or, for the lesson variation, wh-questions.

Do You Lesson Goals:
- Students practice the format for asking present simple "do you..." questions.
- Students practice answering present simple "do you..." questions with "yes, I do" or "no, I don't."

Wh- Do You Lesson Variation Goals:
- Students practice the format for asking present simple "what, who, when, where, why, how" wh-questions.*
- Students practice answering present simple wh-questions by reassigning "you" pronoun to "I" and including the statement in their response.

Lesson Details

Lesson Time: 45 minutes

Student Level: I made this activity for a lower level SHS class to review but I think this would probably be appropriate for JHS students as well. I will leave it to your discretion.

- Bingo cards (Do You Bingo Questions document; page 3-17, 30 cards)
- Bingo calling card/squares (Do You Bingo Questions page 2; I cut these up and let the students pick them out of a bag and read them for more engagement)
- TV or projector to display the rules PP (Do You Bingo Rules PP)

How to Play

Do You Lesson How to Play:
- Bingo is a very adaptable game (have you ever, simple past tense, etc.) so please feel free to use these materials however you would like; in the interest of explaining, though, I will share what I did here.
- Start the class with a very quick "what's a do you question and how do you answer it" review as you get set up.
- Use the PP to explain the game (if playing how I played it); note that the PP is also clearer than the below will be thanks to the power of ~animations~ so feel free to just check that out instead of reading this.
- PP slides 1-7.
1) Pull a bingo card from the bag you prepared ahead (or get your students to pull one!)
2) Find the square on your sheet
3) If you have the square, ask the question ("do you... [listen to enka]?" -> also confirm the students understand the question at this stage since we want actual, truthful yes or no answers for this game)
4) Ask the question to a student who does not have the square on their sheet (in the event everyone has it, more ppl have it than don't, etc., students just have to ask it to anyone)
5) If the students say "yes, I do," cross out the square
6) BUT if the student says "no, I don't," do NOT cross out the square (there is an element of luck to this version of bingo from the card draw order and the yes or no answers here)
7) Students have to say bingo for every line they finish (so we can keep track that they're asking and answering the right questions)
8) Students win by crossing out as many lines as possible and certain forms are worth more points (if you get through all of it, which is doubtful, you can circle back for students who got no answers to a question in the past)

Wh- Do You Lesson Variation How to Play:*
- Start the class with a very quick "what are wh-questions, what's a wh- do you question and how do you answer them" review as you get set up.
- For my lesson, students went from the Do You version into the Wh- Do You one so I didn't bother to make special slides for this version although I would encourage you to do so; slides 2 and 3 are still applicable to what bingo is and slides 6 and 8 can be used for scoring and reviewing wh-questions, wh- do you question creation and wh- do you question responses.
- PP slides 1-3, 6, 8-9.
1) Pull a bingo card from the bag you prepared ahead (or get your students to pull one!)
2) Find the square on your sheet
3) The teacher chooses a wh-question to use ("[where] do you... [listen to enka]?")
4) Write the question as a class and confirm the students understand the question
5) Ask the question to a student who does not have the square on their sheet (in the event everyone has it, more ppl have it than don't, etc., students just have to ask it to anyone)
6) Students answering should try to use the taught format of "I [card restated] [explanation]" (this is good simple sentence conversation practice for the students I thought; both myself and my JTE used bingo sheets of our own to ask questions, allowing us to offer suggestions, and we also accepted questions, allowing us to answer with slightly more complex ideas)
7) Any question asked that receives an answer can be crossed out
8) Students have to say bingo for every line they finish (so we can check keep track that they're asking and answering the right questions)
9) Students win by crossing out as many lines as possible

1 line = 1 point
1 + shape = +2 extra points (i.e. 4 points if those are the only completed lines)
1 x shape = +3 extra points (i.e. 5 points if those are the only completed lines)
Everything = +5 points (my boards are 5x5 so I would probably count this as 20 points)
The goal of this game is to practice the grammar, not to win a single bingo and finish the game. You can change as you see fit.

Final Notes

With most of the bingo squares, you can rearrange the present simple to, "[wh-question] do you..." (ex. "when do you [listen to enka]?") BUT wh-questions "what" and "who" are often exceptions and may exclude the "do you" portion of these. For example, for the card, "have a nickname," "what is your nickname?" would be more natural than "what nickname do you have?" despite not being incorrect or for the card, "buy books," the proper question would be "what books do you buy?" and not, "what do you buy books?"; for "who," if you pick the card, "have a pet," the proper question would be "who has a pet?" and not, "who do you have a pet?"

Sorry this is long but I hope it's thorough. Please let me know if you try this game, how it goes, any good modifications you make, and/or if you have any questions!

Small files
  • 2022-07-07- Do You Bingo Questions.pdf (194 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • 2022-07-07- Do You Bingo Rules.pptx (1.59 MB)
  • 17
    Submitted by roriteaches July 15, 2022 Estimated time: 45 minutes

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