
Baseball game (gerund ~ 動詞 + ing)

A flexible, fun listening activity using the basic rules of baseball game.


  1. Distribute the worksheets to the students.
  2. Ask them to choose any boxes of their choice and write each codes (HR/1B/2B/3B/SO). HR (Home Run) - 2 boxes, 1B (1st Base) - 5 boxes, 2B - 4 boxes, 3B - 3 boxes, SO - 2 boxes. Total boxes that must have codes in it must be 16.
  3. I usually give my students 1 minute to write the codes.
  4. Once everybody finishes, it's time to say sentences. Students must listen to the sentence you will say out loud. To maximize my JTE's participation, I usually ask him/her to alternately say a sentence, too.
  5. There are 9 innings (table seen below the worksheet) which means you and your JTE must say 9 sentences in total.
  6. So, for each inning must say a sentence and determine the score for each code that students have written in that box. You may want to call out and ask each code to explain how many points they gained per innings. Please see the legend codes and the corresponding points (点) written below the worksheet. Boxes without written codes will mean 0 score.
  7. Once you and JTE have completed the 9 innings, ask the students to find out the total score.
  8. I also included a writing activity at the back of their Baseball game worksheet. You can ask the students to think of someone they know who likes and does those verb phrases and write 1 sentence for each.
  9. Enjoy!!
Submitted by ronjacob5258 September 26, 2023 Estimated time: more or less 20 minutes

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