
Tips for Explaining Things and People - Taboo Game

based on One World JHS 2nensei Lesson 5 Tips for Speaking #4 page 64

Printout - to explain and as a student guide
Taboo Game Cards (print and cut out each picture, then divide into different envelopes for the different groups of students - ideally, put different categories per envelope: ex. 1 animal, 1 place, 1 food, etc.)

Taboo Game - like charades, where group members guess one word, by listening to 1 group member describe or explain the word.
Explain that Taboo means "not allowed" - they cannot say the name of the word(English and Nihongo)

First, distribute the printouts and go over them one by one.
Demonstrate using an example card from the textbook - example: giraffe
And ask students to think of what they can say or explain about the giraffe.
Category - It is an animal.
Location - It is in a zoo. / It is from Africa.
Adjectives - It is yellow and brown. It is tall.
Verbs -
Components / Body Parts - It has a long neck.
and so on...

Divide the class into groups of 3-4.
Give an envelope with a set of cards to each group.
Students take turns in picking a card and describing it to the others.
Once the group finished their set of cards, have them exchange envelopes with other groups so that everyone will have tried each envelope once.

*You can create/add your own Taboo Game Cards - keep in mind what words/concepts the students are familiar with, and what they can explain in English. For example, I had to eliminate the people cards/jobs because they don't know how to explain those in English. Also, they were not familiar with parrot - so I told them to skip that card.

Those using One World textbooks can use the cards found at the back of the book.

Small files
  • 2nensei_2023.11.10_Lesson5_Tips for Speaking and Explaining Things and People_Taboo Game Printout.pdf (40.8 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • 2nensei_2023.11.10_Lesson5_Tips for Speaking and Explaining Things and People_Taboo Game Materials.pdf (3.2 MB)
  • 2
    Submitted by connichiwow November 14, 2023 Estimated time: 25 minutes

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